Do I have sickle cell disease? As the pathology is little known, it is important to know what symptoms it causes.
Due to the high frequency of painful crises, which lead patients to seek the Emergency Room (usually the same services that are closest to their residence), these patients can often be taken as drug addicts by the health team, since the most potent and indicated analgesics are those of the opiate family (morphine, methadone, etc.). As, unfortunately, teams are not very familiar with the most current pain control protocols, patients often do not receive adequate analgesia, which can perpetuate even more the period of hospitalization and consequently the infectious risk with hospital germs that are more resistant and that put the lives of these patients at risk, since their immunity is also different from that of a healthy individual. It is worth noting that, in addition to everything, the fact of feeling a lot of pain, this situation is extremely embarrassing for patients who arrive at the health services in despair, as they have already been medicated at home with several oral analgesics without success.