Through the search for resources in public and private initiatives, Lua Vermelha intends to give political, organizational and social support to the existing Hematology and Hemotherapy Services, with the objective of providing excellent treatment for patients.
In the scientific field, the project aims to create a Reference Center for Sickle Cell Disease, able to encourage and promote the meeting of renowned national and international professionals in the area, stimulating the promotion of research and studies focused on this pathology.
To bring patients together and create an environment for communication and information exchange, we will monitor forums, create groups and propose open debates for those who want to participate.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for those who suffer from sickle cell disease and those around them. Because it is a chronic disease, whose only cure is bone marrow transplant – which depends, in most cases, on a compatible donor -, the patient will live with the disease for most of his life, if not all of his life. Is it over there.
What he will face, in addition to the painful symptoms of the disease, is misinformation, lack of knowledge, lack of empathy and prejudice.
Our mission is to publicize sickle cell disease to the general population and transform the ignorance that surrounds it into a wave of understanding and care, a wave of inclusion, which walks towards a true improvement in the quality of life of these patients.
The Red Moon values are understanding, determination, inspiration and equality.
Understanding the disease, symptoms, treatment and cure possibilities. Determination to take the information forward, to influence people, to work with governments, to protect patients and their rights.
Inspiration to encourage the medical profession to update itself on the subject, so that Sickle Cell Disease has space for discussion, public policies, space in the media, campaigns with national adhesion.
Finally, equality. Equality, here, appears with more than one meaning. We want equality so that sickle cell patients have the same conditions of treatment as anyone else. And also, let’s do our part in the fight for racial equality. So that a disease that has prevalence over the black population is not treated as a disease of minor importance.
In the view of the Red Moon, Sickle Cell Disease will have the focus it deserves, while patients will gain the security that the pathology will be recognized, diagnosed quickly and treated correctly as soon as the first symptoms appear.
From the activity of Dr. Marilimia Pita and the medical team she formed, Lua Vermelha will spread knowledge, exchange experiences, listen to patients, answer questions, participate in seminars, disseminate the results of research in the area, follow the news of the pharmaceutical industry, give support to patients and to their families.
Our pillars of action are: the Lua Vermelha (Red Moon) website, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram and all communications forms: face-to-face and online. We will keep the platforms updated to become a channel of interaction with patients, their families, the medical profession and governments.
Based on Lua Vermelha’s performance, we will seek the collaboration of press agencies, health journalists and celebrities sympathizing with the cause to help publicize and raise awareness of sickle cell disease.
Dr. Marimilia Pita and the medical team coordinated by her will be the spokespersons for Lua Vermelha. Interviews, lectures, questions and answers, forums, workshops and participation in medical congresses in Brazil and abroad will disseminate what is known about the disease, bring new discussions about it and implement the necessary changes so that Sickle Cell Disease has its space, which will be essential to achieve the deserved respect for patients.
Fixed content is maintained for searching and gathering information. The website is constantly updated, with blog posts, videos and content production monitored by Dr. Marimilia Pita and her communication team.
New weekly posts that follow news in the area, answering questions from internet users and acting as a channel of communication between the medical team and the followers of Lua Vermelha’s profile.
The platform is used to show exclusive videos, hold forums, debates, and cover events related to the disease.